Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), formally articulated in the UN Agenda 2030 resolution, are 17 interlinked objectives designed to serve as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future.
4-Quality education
5-Gender equality
8-Decent work and economic growth
10-Reduced inequalities
12-Responsible consumption and production
13-Climate action
16-Peace, justice and strong institutions

BCN Inclusive Coding
In 2021, we signed an agreement with the Barcelona Mobile World Capital Foundation to support their project aimed at reorienting vulnerable individuals to promote their inclusion in the IT job market.
Their goal is to integrate more than ten thousand professionals into the labor market of Catalonia over the ten-year duration of the project.
At Oxigent, we collaborate by offering professional guidance sessions and workshops to their coders, technical training through our consultants, speed dating events, participation in our hiring processes, and more.