Data Governance – 80% remoto

  • Location: Barcelona
  • Type: Employee
  • Job #1793
  • Salary: 50.000 €

¿Te interesaría seguir desarrollándote como Data Governance Specialist en una empresa líder del sector aeronáutico en un entorno colaborativo, jerarquía plana y con proyección laboral??

Tu misión será participar en la definición de planes estratégicos y Data-Driven, manejando eficazmente las políticas de negocio, procedimientos, roles y responsabilidades. 

Serás el/la defensor/a de la gobernanza de datos y promoverás las mejores prácticas de gestión de datos de forma coherente en toda la organización educando a las partes interesadas del negocio sobre el valor de la gobernanza de datos. 

Para ello, ¿qué vas a necesitar?

  • Amplia experiencia en la gobernanza de datos
  • Conocimientos en frameworks y estándares de Gobierno y Gestión del dato como DAMA, ESM o normativas UNE/ISO
  • Buenas habilidades comunicativas

Muy valorable: Certificación en CDMP de Dama o DCAM de EDM Council 

¿Qué te ofrecemos? 

  • Contratación indefinida a través de Oxigent.
  • Salario acorde a la experiencia aportada (hasta 54.000)
  • Horario flexible y jornada intensiva los viernes y los meses de verano.
  • Modelo híbrido: 4 días remoto, 1 día presencial
  • Cheque Formación para desarrollarte en las áreas profesionales que más te interesen.
  • Seguro médico privado.
  • Retribución flexible aplicable a seguro médico, restaurante, transporte, guardería y formación.
  • Aplicación de acceso a gimnasios y actividades deportivas en toda España con descuentos. 
  • ¡Y muchos otros beneficios!

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It sets our course as a company and inspires our decisions to achieve the following fundamental goals:

  • Contribute to the successful execution of innovative and transcendent technological projects.

  • Establish fluid communication with our internal and external stakeholders (employees, suppliers, clients and other collaborators).

  • To be the indispensable and trusted partner of our clients for the outsourcing of their high added value activities.

Our mission

The history behind Oxigent

Pixie’s Journey started in 2007 in Dublin, Ireland, with the goal to become a key SAP player on the European contract recruitment market. Firstly focusing on integrators and end-users of SAP solutions, the company decided to expand its expertise in terms of technologies launching new companies and teams in Europe and abroad, and finally setting up a holding company: Kube Partners. Nowadays, the group operates worldwide from its offices in Spain, France and the USA.
Oxigent Technologies was founded as a Kube subsidiary in June, 2019 to offer local tech services to multinational companies. Our clients rely upon Oxigent teams for carrying-out their most strategic activities, and Oxigent consultants are given the opportunity to be actors of the tech revolution that characterizes our world and time. During its first two years of life, Oxigent experienced a relentless growth of its business and talent teams in order to reach more and wider clients, as well as to offer new horizons to engineers eager to continuously improve. At the end of 2021, we were 80 employees and had a 30+ clients portfolio.
In 2022, we expanded our social benefits and sharpened our commitment with sustainability (ODS certification). In 2023, we already were 200+ professionals and could rely on a strong portfolio of more than 50 clients. By the end of 2024, we will hopefully surpass 250 people. We are still at the beginning of our journey and will keep doing consulting in a different way, that's our recipe for success.
2007 - 2019
2019 - 2021
2022 - Onward